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Custom production



If the normal performance enhancements are not enough, our custom-made products are just right for you!
Highest quality in individual production is our rule. We individualize both performance and design entirely according to customer requirements. The royal class of extravagance.

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We recommend

Performance Software Stage 1 - 700 PS - TÜV650.F9XM.0006
Performance Software Stage 1+ - 740 PS - TÜV650.F9XM.0008
Performance Software Stage 2 - 780 PS650.F9XM.0013
Performance Software Stage 3 - 830 PS - TÜV650.F9XM.0014
Performance Software Stage 4 - 900 PS650.F9XM.0019
Performance Software Stage 4+ - 1000 PS650.F9XM.0022.C
Kolben / Pleuel Kombo Kit passend für BMW S63B44720.F90.0015.A
Turbolader - Modifikation - 900 PS - S63T4780.S63G.0010.A
Downpipes ohne Katalysatoren passend für F9X M5/M8790.F9XM.0005.A
Downpipes Sportkatalysatoren passend für F9X M5/M8790.F9XM.0015.A
Autoteppich - Premiumvelours920.G05S.0065.A
Sport Lenkrad passend für BMW G-Reihe920.G8XM.0005.C
Magnetschaltwippen - infinitas920.G8XM.0010.C
Innenraum Veredelung - infinitas920.UNIV.0005.C
infinitas Kofferraumschriftzug erhaben950.BDGE.0015
infinitas Emblem950.BDGE.0105
infinitas Dekorsatz950.DCOR.0005
Leistungserfassung Motor, Rollenprüfstand960.DYNO.0005
Automatik Getriebe Ölspülung - Wandlergetriebe960.GEAR.0005.B
OBD Freischaltung passend für BMW M V8960.MDG1.0010

