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Performance software Stage 1 - 360 HP


If you are interested in our products, please contact us:
Phone: +49 8252 90986 - 0
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Email: info@infinitas-automotive.com


Advantages of our performance software:
>> Individual motor software adaptation
>> Improved torque and power development
>> Easily reversible modification
>> OEM motor protection functions
>> OEM diagnostic function
>> Optimized fuel consumption
>> Competent support
>> Benefit from our years of experience
>> Extensively tested: hot and cold country trials

Information: This offer is only available for cars until 07/2013.

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Price: 1198,00 incl. 19% USt. - plus Delivery

Required for self-installation:

    i-Flash Genius OBD
    >> Programming the engine control unit
    >> Delivery with PC software (download online)
    >> infinitas remote software update possible
    >> Easy handling via the vehicle's OBD interface

    Note: In some cases, vehicles are euipped with a software version, which denies reading and writing ecu data via the OBD port, or, where the stock file is not present in the database.
    In these cases the i-Flash Genius cant be used at this moment. The tuning can only be realised in the shop or by sending in the ecu.
    The tool will connect to the vehicle ident number and is only usable with this car.
    If an ecu update is going to be performed, use the Genius Tool to return the car to stock first.
    298,00 € *

We recommend

Performance Software Stage 2 - N54 - 430 PS650.E82M.0007.C
Performance Software Stage 3 - N54 - 500 PS650.E82M.0010.C
Performance Software Stage 1+ N54 - 360 PS650.E82S.0005.C
Performance Software Stage 2 - 380 PS bis 07/13650.F20S.0028.C
Getriebe-Software-Optimierung - ZF650.ZFHP.0005.C
Kolben / Pleuel Kombo Kit passend für BMW N55B30720.F2X.0005.A
Turbolader Modifikation 600 PS - N54780.N54S.0005.A
Turbolader Modifikation 500 PS - N54780.N54S.0010.A
Turbolader - Modifikation - 550 PS - N55780.N55S.0005.A
Downpipes ohne Katalysatoren passend für N54790.E82M.0005.A
Downpipes mit Sportkatalysatoren passend für N54790.E82M.0010.A
Satz Upgrade Zündkerzen N54910.EXXS.0005
Sportluftfilter passend für N54910.N54S.0015
Autoteppich - Premiumvelours920.G05S.0065.A
infinitas Kofferraumschriftzug erhaben950.BDGE.0015
infinitas Emblem950.BDGE.0105
Leistungserfassung Motor, Rollenprüfstand960.DYNO.0005

